I already send this two hours ago, but didn't get through:
Many requests timed out in the last days, but now I'm getting error messages when I try to delete pages:
Fehler in der Datenbank
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Es gab einen Syntaxfehler in der Datenbankabfrage. Das könnte eine illegale Suchanfrage sein (siehe Wikipedia durchsuchen), oder ein Softwarefehler. Die letzte Datenbankabfrage lautete:
INSERT INTO brokenlinks (bl_from,bl_to) VALUES (12369,'Wohlstand'),(14498,'Wohlstand')
aus der Funktion "Article::doDeleteArticle". MySQL meldete den Fehler "1030: Got error 127 from table handler".
And "too many connections" messages.
Do we get too many visitors through google, now that we're indexed again? I have the impression that there are more anonymous edits on the German Wikipedia.
Brion, maybe you could update the statistic pages for further examination.