good wikitech-l folk,
after perhaps more lying about on holiday than was quite healthy, i've put together a new version of this NavMap extension.
the links to the demo have the most recent version installed. thanks to all who commented here or en Meta. the changes:
* php4 compatibility (i'd been wandering along blissfully ignorant of php4 vs php5 issues...) * some of the appearnce of the extension have some more options * a battery of unit-tests for the features as i went (what do folks here do for testing/unit-testing?) and attendant robustness
but it remains much as it was in terms of basic functionality.
i heartily solicit and welcome feedback and observations. my next step is to write a SpecialPage that can concatenate pages in the navmap together (inspired by the wikibooks comments i've received).
cheers, nigel