A release candidate for MediaWiki 1.13 is now available. Please try it out and tell us if it works for you. This is a beta release and is not recommended for use in a production environment (except if you're really clever like us).
Selected changes since MediaWiki 1.12.0:
* New special pages: FileDuplicateSearch, ListGroupRights * Special:UserRights and Special:SpecialPages have been redesigned * More options on Special:Recentchangeslinked and Special:WhatLinksHere * New parser functions: PAGESINCATEGORY, PAGESIZE * Can hide categories with __HIDDENCAT__ * Friendlier behaviour for users who click a red link but can't edit * Image redirects are now enabled by default * Drop-down AJAX search suggestions ($wgEnableMWSuggest) * Search results show image thumbnails * The search box in the MonoBook sidebar can be moved up by editing [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] * Double redirects created by a page move can be fixed automatically
Full release notes: http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/tags/REL1_13_0RC1/phase3/RELEASE-...
Download: http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.13/mediawiki-1.13.0rc1.tar.gz
GPG signatures: http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.13/mediawiki-1.13.0rc1.tar.gz.sig
Public keys: https://secure.wikimedia.org/keys.html
SHA-1 checksums: be9a2645ea38d074b05a726e5ac2f3699ab482f8 mediawiki-1.13.0rc1.tar.gz
MD-5 checksums: 042a8662d2fcce0e8c5a3a5c17ce6d59 mediawiki-1.13.0rc1.tar.gz
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- -- Tim Starling