On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:21:57 -0500 "Poor, Edmund W" Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com wrote:
Your idea assumes that the "lag" problem is due to overloading a single machine, which plays double roles: database backeand and web server. So, if we divide the work amoung 2 or more machines, you expect faster throughput. Right?
My idea is not to divide the roles of web server and backend. It is to divide the workload of the one server between many servers. This includes search queries and other functionality.
I envisage many wikipedia servers around the world, supported by private individuals, companies and universities. Much like the system of mirror FTP and mirror web sites. All these servers are updated in real time from the core wikipedia server. From the user's perspective, all are equivalent. Each of these servers can do everything the current wikipedia server can do except for accepting update submissions. Updates from users are accepted only by the core wiki server.
Reasons for such an architecture: 1) Growth of bandwidth useage may put financial pressure on Wikipedia. Growth may follow a non-linear growth curve.
2) The cost of implementing one very fast, reliable, redundant machine is more than the cost of farming out work to many quite fast, unreliable systems none of which are mission critical. Especially true where there are people willing to donate part of their hard drive, CPU and net connection (or even an entire system) to a good cause such as wikipedia. (Overall system reliability can be guaranteed by using DNS tricks to ensure users and queries are only directed to working machines).
Given wikipedias limited technical resources, we need to make a choice between making small scale changes to the system (which may make 30-50% change in availability) or to make architectural changes which can scale to improvements of 100x or 1000x magnitude.
The core server takes the update submissions. These are integrated into the core database. Changes to the core database are reflected in all mirror servers in real time by using a system of pushing the database update to the mirror servers.
The core server will implement access control, ip blocking and other such administration and policy.
I accept the technological suggestion I made is by no means the only way to achieve this goal, although it may be a good one for it's scalability potential.
Before mirrors are implemented in the way I suggested, It would be wise to introduce meta-fields and records into the database. Fields which have no current use but may be used in future wikipedia software releases. Future wikipedia software releases for the mirror servers is guaranteed and extra database fields are almost certainly going to be required. Adding mata fields can help forward compatibility of databeses. This would be necessary in advance as not all mirror servers will update their whole database and software simaultaneously.