now that's a surprise -- a guy whose work I like to reference on Wikipedia and elsewhere shows up on, of all places, the Wikipedia tech mailing list. Welcome, Sheldon, and thanks for your excellent work with John Stauber on exposing the corporate PR machinery.
Tehehe, me too, actually! I was pretty impressed for wikitech-l when Sheldon appeared. You's a pseudo-celebrity amongst radicals, Sheldon.
I recommend creating Talk namespaces for every namespace -- if pages are not large enough to discuss them separately, it makes no sense to separate them in the first place.
I just thought I'd bring up something about talk pages that I've always thought was kinda stupid. Now, I don't know how this works for the internal code, and why you guys decided to implement talk namespaces the way you did. Maybe there's a technical reason of some sort. But anyways...
Why isn't the talk namespace just namespace-aware? Then you'd only have one talk namespace instead of having to create a talk namespace for every normal namespace, and then a talk page could be automagically inherent in every article, without having to explicitly create a talk namespace first. For example, instead of
if talk were namespace-aware, it would be much more straight forward to allow
or instead of
it'd be
I would think that this would actually make the program logic much simpler. Am I wrong? Then what gives?
Peace out,
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