He has a got a point. It could be nice to be able to include that stuff in the META headers, by having the geolinks templates ( such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Coordinates_templates ) include some wikitext like "{{GEOHEADER|long=151.21459|lat=-33.87531}}", where "GEOHEADER" was a magic wiki word, that did a "-01234567890." sanity check on the args (like RFC, ISBN, and PMID), and if it checked out included the appropriate headers.
However, some devil's advocate questions come to mind: * How used are these headers, really? Is it a niche thing? * If it's niche thing currently, then why? Is the reason because it's useless / a-solution-in-search-of-a-problem, or is it a niche thing because nobody has put up a large corpus of useful data that uses it yet? * Are there standards that cover this stuff? Have those standards been ratified / broadly agreed up / standardized / progressed beyond draft status / reached consensus by some independent group / body / organisation? * Which of the format or formats are we talking about? For example, from http://webtips.dan.info/titles.html , I see there are things like this:
<META name="geo.position" content="26.367559;-80.12172"> <META name="geo.region" content="US-FL"> <META name="geo.placename" content="Boca Raton, FL"> <META name="ICBM" content="26.367559, -80.12172">
( see http://geotags.com/geo/geotags2.html and http://geourl.org/add.html ; seems also to be some info about Flickr tags on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoTagging about using yet another method) * Would it be just "ICBM" we're taking about, or just "geo.position", or both? Because they seem to be doing exactly the same thing. * What about "geo.region", and "geo.placename"?
All the best, Nick.
This code only tells MediaWiki to embed the contents of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Mapit-AUS-suburbscale into the article. Right now, no template is able to modify anything within the
<head> tag, which is where any <meta> tag would reside. It might be possible to use sitewide JavaScript to do it, but then that wouldn't be useful for search engines.
Neil Phillips wrote:
An increasing number of wiki pages use the
Type notation to indicate the page relates to a specific location.
Where would I go to request that this information is also embedded into a meta tag for the page e.g.
<meta name="ICBM" content="-33.87531,151.21459" />
So capable browsers/search engines can use this information more semantically ?