This is a notification about a breaking change to the ZipDirectoryReader class in MediaWiki 1.44, as required by the Stable Interface Policy. If you do not maintain an extension that uses ZipDirectoryReader, you can ignore this message.

Summary: The ZipDirectoryReader and ZipDirectoryReaderError classes have been moved to the mime analyzer library in the Wikimedia\Mime namespace. Furthermore, the return type of the readHandle method was widened from Status to StatusValue. Since this change to the return type is not backwards compatible, no class alias is provided.

Remedy: If you need to use ZipDirectoryReader or ZipDirectoryReaderError, import them from the Wikimedia\Mime namespace. If you are making use of the object returned by the readHandle method, make sure you are not using any methods not present in StatusValue.

Rationale: ZipDirectoryReader is used by the MimeAnalyzer class, which is located in the mime analyzer library in the Wikimedia\Mime namespace. However, ZipDirectoryReader was part of MediaWiki code, so it's illegal for library code to access it. Since MimeAnalyzer appears to be the only user of ZipDirectoryReader, the simplest solution was to move into the library as well. However,  ZipDirectoryReader was making use of the Status class, which again is part of MediaWiki core and this cannot be accessed from libraries. Only its more general base class, StatusValue, can. This made it necessary to change the return type of the readHandle method. Since there are no users of ZipDirectoryReader in any extension known to Code Search, the Stable Interface Policy allows the breaking change without a deprecation period.

Context: This change is part of a long-term effort to extract generic code from MediaWiki core into libraries, to reduce code complexity and improve code re-use.

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Software Engineer
MediaWiki Engineering Group
Wikimedia Foundation