
As part of ongoing refactors and improvements to the Rdbms component in MediaWiki, we have made some changes that might affect your work. Read the February announcement for previous changes in this area.

New DeleteQueryBuilder and UnionQueryBuilder

We introduced the chainable SelectQueryBuilder in 2020 to create SELECT queries. This "fluent" API style allows each segment of the query to be set through a discoverable method name with rich documentation and parameter types. Last February we introduced UpdateQueryBuilder in the same vein.

The new DeleteQueryBuilder similarly supersedes use of IDatabase::delete() for building DELETE operations. Check change 913646 for how this is used in practice.

Union queries are fairly rare in our codebases. Previously, one would have to bypass the query builders (by calling the underlying SQL text formatters like Database::selectSqlText) and pass several raw SQL strings through Database::unionQueries and then to Database::query. As you can see, this is not optimal. The new UnionQueryBuilder enables you to combine several SelectQueryBuilder objects and then use the familiar fetchResultSet() method on the resulting UnionQueryBuilder object. You can see an example of this in change 906101.

IConnectionProvider typehint

In February, we introduced the LBFactory->getPrimaryConnection() and LBFactory->getReplicaConnection() methods to improve ergonomics around getting database connections, and the IReadableDatabase typehint for replica connections.

We're now introducing the IConnectionProvider typehint as a stable interface holding the above methods without the rest of LBFactory. Meaning, if you all you need is a connection, you can typehint to IConnectionProvider. This is an extremely narrow interface (four public methods!) compared to LBFactory (42 public methods). This will reduce coupling and should ease testing as well. We already adopted IConnectionProvider in several MediaWiki core components, which made a notable dent in MediaWiki's PhpMetrics complexity score.

This backwards-compatible change can be adopted through only a change in typehint. MediaWiki’s LBFactory service implements IConnectionProvider. Dependency injection remains unchanged.

You can see an example in change 913649. We recommend changing variable names like $lbFactory to $dbProvider for consistency in usage.

Future changes

We will continue transforming MediaWiki core to adopt query builders, IConnectionProvider, and IReadableDatabase. And, we'll continue helping various core components and extensions to phase out their direct calls to LoadBalancer::getConnection(). This should improve code health, readability, testability, and overall coupling scores in MediaWiki.

Our next announcement will introduce InsertQueryBuilder, and we're considering a query builder for "UPSERT" queries as well. Lastly, we are planning to discourage remaining use of raw SQL in "where" conditions by introducing an expression builder (T210206).

You can help

Nearly every feature of MediaWiki requires retrieving or storing information from a database at one point or another. Reworking these is a long tail of effort. Any help in adopting query builders, and updating code away from ILoadBalancer and ILBFactory would be really appreciated. Together we can improve readability and code health (now with less footguns!).

Until the next update,


Amir Sarabadani (he/him), Staff Database Architect

Timo Tijhof, Principal Performance Engineer