I have upgraded Zuul today (thanks Alexandros for the packaged dependency). The code we run is in integration/zuul.git and the deploys are tagged: wmf-deploy-20140122..wmf-deploy-20140416-3
It *might* fix an issue we encounter from time to time where jobs are enqueued but never run ( https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63760 ).
Worth a notes are:
The processing of events is more efficient which speeds up some queue related operations.
Zuul pass a ZUUL_URL parameter to the jobs. It is used to fetch the Zuul generated patches.
A command line client to trigger jobs http://ci.openstack.org/zuul/client.html
Configuration of projects can now be applied multiple templates http://ci.openstack.org/zuul/zuul.html#project-templates
Zuul status page shows up the version and time of last reconfiguration (browse to the bottom) https://integration.wikimedia.org/zuul/
Pipelines can be rate limited. I haven't looked at it closely so I am not sure whether we can use that feature: http://ci.openstack.org/zuul/zuul.html#pipelines (window* settings)
We can now combine different type of informations to create an approval (ie: code-review +2). Look at require-approval in the conf.