Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
A problem I noticed, is that lot of mediawiki namespaces are using
or "Wikipedia". What are the best variables to replace that ? I am
about $wgScriptPath & {{ns:4}}, are they valid choices ?
Yes for {{ns:4}} but no for $wgScriptPath. Use {{localurl:}}, which converts a title to a URL. localurl and localurle convert "canonical namespaces" to the localised variety. So {{localurl:Project:Deletion log}} is the URL for the deletion log on any wiki. See Namespace.php for a list of canonical namespace names. Basically the idea is to get rid of all PHP variables such as $wgScriptPath, and all PHP functions called from that part of the language file, e.g. wfLocalUrl(). To see how this is done, see Language.php
-- Tim Starling