I would like to announce the availability of MediaWiki 1.37.6 and 1.38.4.
This fixes an issue identified in the MediaWiki 1.37.5 and 1.38.3 releases. The patch for T307278 was incorrectly back-ported, which would result in an error when rollbacks happened.
To try and reduce the likelihood of this happening again in future, I have filed <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T318976> which when resolved will mean we're running both PHPCS and Phan proactively as part of the release and tarballing process.
As a reminder, 1.37 is due to become end of life (EOL) in November 2022. 1.37.6 is expected to be the last release for this branch. It is recommended to upgrade to 1.38, or to 1.39 (the next LTS after 1.35) due to be released in November 2022.