[2021-06-20 17:43 +0100] John:
> Off hand isn’t this something that wikidata was setup to handle?
I'm not sure, but I don't see the functionality currently being there in
Wiktionary. Is this something currently under development?
Yeah, for something like fifteen years, I guess… :-) See e.g. OmegaWiki (formerly known as WiktionaryZ).
The modern incarnation of machine-readable dictionary is the Lexicographical Data project on Wikidata. It is a nice project, definitely go take a look at it, but it is not really an evolution/improvement of Wiktionary but rather a fresh start. (Among other reasons because of the license incompatibility of Wiktionary’s CC-BY-SA with Wikidata’s CC-0.) See
-- [[cs:User:Mormegil | Petr Kadlec]]