Splitting the strings can probably easily done as we have two functions for messages:
- wfMsg : a message in whatever language user selected.
- wfMsgForContent() : a message using site language.
wfMsg is more or less the UI messages and can probably be removed from the MediaWiki namespaces. Then we will just have to manage the Content messages ;)
Following this: if these strings are always the same - that is to say they are always separated by <space>:<space> it is easy to write a parser - so you do not need to separate since it can be done within the CAT-Tool. That's also why I am asking for sample files to try them out - to see what happens if I work with them using the actual parsers. Actually the parser for the UI of OmegaT has a = as separator - I don't know how easy it is to adapt this to the format we need for mediawiki software, but as I said I would like to try it out.
Ciao, Sabine
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