Hi all,
This email is of interest to you only if you're a user of the "Wikimedia Debug" browser extension. If you're not, you can safely skip it.
As the more attentive might have noticed, the Wikimedia Debug browser extension started offering a new option in the drop-down menu, besides the usual mwdebug servers, labeled "k8s-experimental". That is, as the name suggests, a very experimental setup of mediawiki running on kubernetes and is not *yet* a place where you will be able to test your releases.
Right now, that installation is a work in progress, but nonetheless it seemed important to us to have a way to browse the wikis from the installation running on kubernetes while we iron out bugs in preparation for the actual migration of production traffic.
This installation can thus: - run on outdated versions of mediawiki (although we're trying to follow train releases). - be down for extended periods of time while we debug something, without warning. It also doesn't support (yet) profiling via xhprof.
So while we welcome the curious to poke around at the performance and bugs of the installation, it is not a suitable tool (yet) to debug your releases on.
I will add filters where appropriate to avoid logs from this installation from polluting your dashboards in the coming days, but in the meantime, if you see a log line coming from a server with a strange name like "mediawiki-pinkunicorn"... that's mediawiki running on kubernetes and you can mostly ignore it!
You can follow our progress at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283056