Edward Z. Yang wrote:
Ron Hall wrote:
But think of the power that you can potentially bring {{u|Gone With the Wind}} - underline it {{uc|Gone With the Wind}} - Uppercase it {{r|Gone With the Wind}} - Reverse it {{sup|Gone With the Wind}} - Super script it {{r,sup|Gone With the Wind}} - Reverse and Superscript it {{s|Gone WIth teh Wind}} - Sub-Title and so on and so on. I jest of course.....maybe.
I do hope your jesting. That would totally kill the whole point of switching to an uglier syntax.
But look at the power of the richness of the options. Literally could reduce everything to a single syntax with a bazillion options. Of course in might start looking like lisp (bad lisp for sure), but think of the shortened learning curve.
Yes I'm still jesting. I lurk in the darkness just waiting for odd things like this to indeed make a pseudo-point about how with only a slight exaggeration someone might get the idea that I "foolishly" float here. Yes it is ugly and even bad. I'm sure a better solution will be found.