Some Wikimedia developers have requested help improving their English writing skills. Erika Hanson is volunteering her proofreading skills to help by leading interactive proofreading sessions -- we ran a pilot today and it was successful enough that we'll do another one next weekend.
Participants paste what they've written into the Etherpad by Thursday night, so Erika has time to read it and mark problem areas in boldface. Then, during the tutorial session, Erika gives the learner lessons in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc., for about 15 minutes per student. If she has time in the 15 min., she'll then move on to matters of style. Discussion can be within the Etherpad chat.
If you want to participate, email Erika (cc'd) with the date/times that you can attend (your 2 choices are below - I don't know whether Erika can do both times or just the more popular 1), and put something you've written into the Etherpad by the end of Thursday. It should be at least 200 words long -- blog entry, email, school essay, whatever.
ALBUQUERQUE, 1:30pm-3:30pm , Sat, May 5 2012 UTC, 19:30-21:30 Sat, May 5 2012 AMSTERDAM, 21:30-23:30 Sat, May 5 2012 MUMBAI, 1am-3am Sun, May 6 2012
ALBUQUERQUE, 10am-noon, Sun, May 6 2012 MUMBAI, 9:30pm-11:30pm, Sun, May 6 2012 UTC, 16:00-18:00, Sun, May 6 2012 AMSTERDAM, 18:00-20:00, Sun, May 6 2012
If people learn effectively from this, then we could repeat it.