Dear all,


I am having trouble in a specific Wiki environment. I am on MW 1.35.3 and Maps 8.0. In several wikis, this is working fine, but in one instance, the following happens:


Maps extension is working fine. The GeoJson namespace gets added (visible e. g. in the search).

However, when I try to add a page in the GeoJson namespace, the following error appears:


MWUnknownContentModelException from line 201 of includes/content/ContentHandlerFactory.php: The content model 'GeoJSON' is not registered on this wiki.

See to find out which extensions handle this content model.




#0 includes/content/ContentHandlerFactory.php(266): MediaWiki\Content\ContentHandlerFactory->validateContentHandler(string, NULL)

#1 includes/content/ContentHandlerFactory.php(189): MediaWiki\Content\ContentHandlerFactory->createContentHandlerFromHook(string)

#2 includes/content/ContentHandlerFactory.php(97): MediaWiki\Content\ContentHandlerFactory->createForModelID(string)

#3 includes/EditPage.php(546): MediaWiki\Content\ContentHandlerFactory->getContentHandler(string)

#4 includes/EditPage.php(1187): EditPage->isSupportedContentModel(string)

#5 includes/EditPage.php(689): EditPage->initialiseForm()

#6 includes/actions/EditAction.php(71): EditPage->edit()

#7 includes/MediaWiki.php(527): EditAction->show()

#8 includes/MediaWiki.php(313): MediaWiki->performAction(Article, Title)

#9 /srv/ma01/wiki/www/wiki/includes/MediaWiki.php(940): MediaWiki->performRequest()

#10 includes/MediaWiki.php(543): MediaWiki->main()

#11 index.php(53): MediaWiki->run()

#12 /srindex.php(46): wfIndexMain()

#13 {main}


How can I further debug this when it is not a problem on other MW 1.35 instances?
This is the relevant code section of maps:

The issue is documented here:


Any help is appreciated,

Best regards,
