That is correct, and you could be right about this (I don't know what the current database schema looks exactly like, but last time I was involved this was still ok.) But keep in mind that a composite index also adds a lot of overhead for updates, takes up more room in the index cache, and doesn't really add much speed if the extra columns don't have a high selectivity, i.e., filter out many unwanted records.
True. However, I suspect with some of our queries, our existing single- field index only has very low selectivity, which makes stuff like "Most wanted" and "History" so slow. Not using any composite indexes seems like a bad idea to me, especially given the fact that some of our queries are run on huge random-sequence tables.
- The HANDLER command. HANDLER, which works with both InnoDB and MyISAM,
provides low-level access to tables *without locking*. You get reads, but you don't get consistency, which may cause problems when you're dealing with critical, heavily modified data. But it seems perfect for our archive stuff.
If there are not many updates then this accomplishes next to nothing, except that you have made the software more complicated.
HANDLER works almost exactly the same as SELECT from a syntax POV. We have many updates on the OLD table, and it is still in MyISAM, meaning table- level locking. So unless we upgrade that particular table to InnoDB (which Brion seems reluctant to do because of the long downtime), HANDLER may be worth giving a try.
However, your point regarding complexity is well taken. We could abstract the HANDLER function in wfQuery using a "consistent read" parameter, by default being true.
- Upgrading to MySQL4.
Actually I was once in favour of that but Lee convinced me that as long as the developers of MySQL don't think it is ready for production, we shouldn't either. There is only one thing more important than speed and that is stability.
They are currently labeling it as a "gamma". I think it might be worth giving a try, we can always downgrade if it creates problems.
- Caching our article index. I have mentioned this idea before, I think:
We could just keep our entire article index in memory *persistently* (currently the linkcache is filled for each request), which should make link lookup almost instant.
What makes you think it isn't already?
I have done tests on the link lookup with a local database and it's very slow with link-heavy pages. This is also what our profiling has shown. Again, that may have something to do with our index use and we may want to look into that. Note that I haven't yet benchmarked the new prefill mechanism.
I suspect the biggest part of the involved tables is in the cache anyway,
I don't trust automatic caching, especially since our CUR table is huge and it is only a very small subset of it (the titles) which we need in memory.
Keeping the software straightforward and understandable and for newcomers that also want to help with programming is a big priority for any open source project.
The current link caching mechanism is far from easy to understand, it might just be considerably less efficient than the alternatives.