"Jan" == Jan Kulveit jk-wikitech@ks.cz
Jan> we would like to elect something similar to ArbCom on cs
Voting is a bad idea. In general, and especially in the context of Wikipedia. Voting is a sickness of democracy. It fails everywhere, miserably. It is a visible sign of the collapse of the Social Contract. It would be urgent to acknowledge this fact, and to think of it, instead of digging one's heads in the sand of easiness and tradition.
Some obvious problems with voting: - anonymous, thus opaque, untractable, untraceable, free from responsibility. - synchronous -- everything in a big bag, now. Waiting until next time. - dehumanising: people as numbers; everybody reduced to the highest common denominator; differences unacknowledged. - disdain of minorities. - delegation of power; loss of responsibility. ...
Bush supports voting. That's what he means by democracy.