2009/8/14 Brion Vibber brion@wikimedia.org:
On my production wiki I have phase3/ checked out in /var/www/w, and some extensions individually checked out in subdirectories of /var/www/w/extensions. When I do svn up in /var/www/w, that doesn't update the other repositories in extensions/; I have to do "svn up . extensions/*" instead. Does commit work differently, or am I misunderstanding?
svn up works just fine for this too in my experience. Perhaps your 'extensions' dir isn't SVN-managed for some reason, or something?
The reason this is happening is that Brion did
rm -rf extensions/ svn co svn+ssh://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/trunk/mediawiki/extensions
whereas Aryeh (and I too, FTM) did cd extensions/ svn co svn+ssh://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/trunk/mediawiki/extensions/Foo svn co svn+ssh://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/trunk/mediawiki/extensions/Bar
In the latter case, you don't get all extensions, but svn commands on phase3 don't affect extensions.
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)