Hello Amir, thanks for your questions. Having discussed this back and forth in the team, our original plan was to deploy to a few wikis first to find out how many users actually don't want a shared setting. But thanks to, among other things, the feedback we received over the last announcement, we have now come to the conclusion that separate settings make more sense.
Thank you!
That also means, Reference Previews won't go out of beta just yet, but hopefully next month.
@all: If you like the idea of having Reference Previews with a separate setting as a default feature on your wiki, please let me know. Having a few more wikis for this first step would be great.
Can you please define the details of what does this mean? My guess is:
* "Reference Previews" will move from the "Beta features" tab in the preferences to the "Reading preferences" section in the "Appearance" tab.
* "Enable page previews" and "Enable reference Previews" will both be on by default for logged-out users and new accounts.
* Existing accounts who disabled the Reference Previews beta feature will have the reference previews disabled.
* Logged-out users will be able to disable each feature and this selection will be saved in a cookie.
* If the preference is enabled, but the user also has the corresponding gadget enabled, the gadget will be shown, and the feature from the extension will not be shown.
Is this indeed the plan?