Lars Aronsson wrote:
When a new paragraph was inserted, diff doesn't discover that the previous first paragraph is now the second. The diff reports much larger changes than actually happened. Why is that? How can it be fixed?
This is one of those ancient bugs:
I'm talking about Wikipedia now. Are there different implementations of diff in various instances of MediaWiki? How is it implemented? Using UNIX/Linux diff, wdiff, or some other algorithm?
MediaWiki seems to be using its own PHP diff called "DifferenceEngine" (includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php, in the same directory there is also a Diff.php which includes a class "WikiDiff3"). However, it is possible to user other Diff Engines like GNU Diff/Diff3.
The config file of Wikimedia's setup suggest that Wikipedia is using the wikidiff2 engine
Church of emacs