Hi guys, I'm Sohom Datta.
I recently decided to create a draft for an hypothetical extension ProtectionIndicator, which will add a protection icon on the top of every protected page. I did this primarily out of my own interest in getting familiar with the code-base of MediaWiki.
I've hosted all the code I have written (still unfinished) in this github repository http://github.com/sohomdatta1/ProtectionIndicator.
I'd like some guidance on how to implement the unfinished parts of the extension especially the integration with FlaggedRevs and the addition of a log entry to a popup ( Details are there in the readme.md of the repo) . Also any feedback on my code would also be very good.
Also, it would be great if somebody could guide me on how to make this a official extension someday.
Regards, Sohom Datta