Hello all,
Is this the expected behaviour of the "Go" function (next to "Search") that when I put in the box "Domenico" there's "Domenico Cimarosa" page displayed ? This seems to happen consistently so it might be designed that way.
Hi Kpjas,
well, I haven't designed it specifically with Domenico Cimarosa in mind ;-), but here's how it works:
1) Try a case-sensitive (exact) match (but first letter always upper case, as is the Wikipedia standard). If there's a match, view it and abort. 2) Try some case variations: all words upper case, capitalized etc. If there's a match, view it and abort. 3) Try an article title search, if there are matches, view the first article that matches (which is random) and abort. 4) Try a full text search.
So if there was an article "Domenico", it would view that. There isn't, however, and if you search for "Domenico", you will get the following results:
Article title matches
1. Domenico Cimarosa (5394 bytes) '''Domenico Cimarosa''', [[Aversa]] near [[Naples]] [[1749]] ... 2. Domenico Alberti (1727 bytes) '''Domenico Alberti''' (around [[1710]] - [[1740]]) was an [[... 3. Domenico Scarlatti (2427 bytes) '''Domenico Scarlatti''' ([[October 26]], [[1685]] in [[Naple...
As you can see, Domenico Cimarosa is the first one that comes up, because it is stored first in the CUR table. This is why it's also the one you see when you "Go" to Domenico, because there's no exact match.
I will probably improve the behavior regarding namespaces -- it currently views whatever is stored first, even if that's a talk page; it should only view the talk page if there's no corresponding subject page, though.