I'm excited to share the release of the Vue.js Migration Project
Charter[0] today.
This is an update on the Foundation's evaluation and adoption of
Vue.js framework for building user-interfaces in a modern,
developer-friendly, inclusive, and internationalization-ready way. It
is a result of the platform evolution program[1] recommendations.
We aim to achieve this with help of the shared components and patterns
library Wikimedia Vue UI (WVUI). We project to implement first,
slimmed-down components for it as part of the Vue.js Search Case
Please find further details on the article. Also keep in mind, that
the shared charter reflects current planning and is subject to
repeated evaluation and possible change. Provide any feedback or
questions, on the talk page[3], technical issues and ideas on
Phabricator tagged with 'Vue.js'[4] or directly to me.
Thanks specifically to Jazmin Tanner, who has played an essential part
in gathering inputs from all stakeholders and interested groups in
synthesizing the charter.
Also to Stephen Niedzielski as a thoughtful driver of the Vue.js
Search Case Study – one of the first major milestones. And generally,
thanks to all members of FAWG, WMDE, Product and Technology department
teams (Reading Web, Editing, Growth, Language, Multimedia, Design,
Core Platform, Performance) involved and leadership for continuous
strong support of this wide-reaching project.
[0] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Vue.js/Migration_Project_Charter
[1] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Platform_Evolution
[2] - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/4767/
[3] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Vue.js/Migration_Project_Charter
[4] - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/vue.js/
for HTML version see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Scrum_of_scrums/2020-07-01
= 2020-07-01 =
== Callouts ==
* Release Engineering
** [All] Review guidance at [[wikitech:Deployments/Covid-19]] and Code
Deployment Office Hour at 17:00UTC in #wikimedia-office
** "scap sync" will be renamed to "scap sync-world" in the next
release. If you use "scap sync" non-interactively, please add a note
to: [[phab:T250302]] (and also, explain why you're using it)
** scap sync now has option --canary-wait-time; [[phab:T217924]]
** Gerrit was updated over the weekend to version 3
== Product ==
=== iOS native app ===
* Updates:
** Early development and research on new experiments for 6.7 -
** WWDC research
=== Android native app ===
* Updates:
** User contribution history screen now in production.
** Starting next development phase: [[phab:project/view/4819/]]
=== Web ===
* Updates:
** '''Summary''': sidebar instrumentation and content max-width for
Desktop Improvements Project (DIP), building initial component
primitives for Vue.js search.
** [[Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements|Desktop Improvements Project
(Vector / DIP)]]:
*** [[phab:T254195|<nowiki>Implement a core 'clearfix' mixin in
mediawiki.mixin and evaluate deprecation/removal of 'visualClear'
*** [[phab:T254851|<nowiki>Current checkbox hack doesn't provide
<Enter> or <Space> as toggle action</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T253178|<nowiki>UniversalLanguageSelector should stop using
the SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec hook</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T250282|<nowiki>Build sidebar instrumentation</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T246420|<nowiki>Limit content width, and refine alignment &
styling of relevant elements</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T246419|<nowiki>Build collapsible sidebar and sidebar
button </nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T60137|<nowiki>Deprecate the
SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec hook</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T256092|<nowiki>[Modern Vector] Fix broken rendering of
`main` and `dialog` elements in IE9-11</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T251212|<nowiki>[Dev] Drop VectorTemplate usage in Vector</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T255319|<nowiki>Eventually deprecate
SkinTemplateNavigation::SpecialPage and SkinTemplateNavigation hooks
in favor of SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal </nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T244392|Vue.js search case study]]:
**** See [[Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Vue.js case study/Status
log|weekly status updates]].
** Mobile website (MinervaNeue / MobileFrontend):
*** [[phab:T255230|<nowiki>Align MinervaNeue's/MobileFrontend
variables to CSS variable naming scheme</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T251475|<nowiki>History page insert `ins`/ delete `del`
elements have accessibility issues </nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T237036|<nowiki>ext.uls.interface should set targets and
explicitly not target the Minerva skin</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T235712|<nowiki>Fix the most common "Module not loadable on
target mobile" warnings (Oct 2019)</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T234550|<nowiki>Mobile version Star for Watchlist not
*** [[phab:T240622|<nowiki>[Technical debt payoff] Remove
InlineDiffFormatter and InlineDifferenceEngine from
*** [[phab:T219793|<nowiki>Mobile web donate link</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T212465|<nowiki>[EPIC] None of our View's should exhibit 2
levels of inheritance</nowiki>]]
** Standardization
*** [[phab:T256520|<nowiki>Consider 'normalize' stylesheet RL module</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T214477|<nowiki>Re-design progress bar for OOUI</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T112747|<nowiki>Devise a generic way for theme-agnostic
stylesheets to adapt to the current theme</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T253598|<nowiki>Focus not visible on checkbox in high
contrast dark mode</nowiki>]]
** Portals
*** [[phab:T128546|<nowiki>[Recurring Task] Update Wikipedia and
sister projects portals statistics</nowiki>]]
** Miscellaneous
*** [[phab:T255814|<nowiki>Latest version of SkinBlueSpiceCalumma is
not compatible with current version of Chameleon</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T255717|<nowiki>Scope and use of mediawiki.skinning's
'elements.less' file</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T248751|<nowiki>Adopt mustache templates in Modern and
*** [[phab:T231615|<nowiki>Use project logo wordmarks on Wikimedia
projects in Timeless</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T212521|<nowiki>RFC: Reconsider how we run QUnit unit
*** [[phab:T255299|<nowiki>Some images appear when Show Images is
*** [[phab:T247033|<nowiki>Add 'i18n-directionality.less' file to core
and extract overarching theme styles from legacy.less</nowiki>]]
=== Product Infrastructure ===
* Blocked by:
** RelEng: to review codehealth pipeline for push notifications
=== UI Standardization ===
* Updates:
* Design Style Guide
** Prep work for WVUI – technically and planning, including
WikimediaUI Base variables amendment and extension.
** Improved long-standing consistency imagery representation, both
desktop and mobile [[phab:T251347]]
** Icon additions: 'doubleChevronStart', 'doubleChevronEnd', 'userAdd'
** “Link” component got updated to reflect “new” treatment
== Technology ==
=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Updates:
** Finishing up matching gifts data sync and form autocomplete
** Overhauling data export to bulk mailer house
** Implementing workaround for browsers blocking pixels from setting
cookies for hiding banners
=== Engineering Productivity ===
==== Release Engineering ====
* Blocking:
** Product Infrastructure - to review codehealth pipeline for push
notifications [[gerrit:604830]]
* Updates:
** [All] Deployments/Covid-19 [[wikitech:Deployments/Covid-19]]
** Train Health
*** Last week: 1.35.0-wmf.38 - [[phab:T254175]]
*** This week: 1.35.0-wmf.39 - [[phab:T254176]]
*** Next week: 1.35.0-wmf.40 - [[phab:T256668]]
=== Site Reliability Engineering ===
* Updates:
** Proton to be switched over to the k8s TLS enabled version.
** Work on mobileapps traffic being routed to k8s will start soon.
TLDR: The following hooks are deprecated in 1.35:
SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs, SkinTemplateTabAction,
BaseTemplateAfterPortlet, SkinTemplateToolboxEnd, BaseTemplateToolbox,
The longer version:
As part of the desktop improvements project
<http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Desktop%20improvements> we've been making some
exciting changes in MediaWiki's skin architecture. This has involved
migrating away from the BaseTemplate PHP class to Mustache as the render
engine for Vector. In 1.36, the Vector skin plans to use the new SkinMustache
and do away with the BaseTemplate class. This meant that we had to
deprecate various BaseTemplate hooks, providing more suitable generic
alternatives in the shared Skin.php layer. We also took the opportunity to
reduce the number of active hooks that operate in the skin layer for
developer sanity.
>From now on it is intended that any skin modifications are done *prior *to
rendering. The renderer whether it is BaseTemplate or SkinMustache will
simply render the data that's been provided.
As a result of this I have various changes to report!
The *SidebarBeforeOutput
*hook now can be used to modify the toolbox and languages portals.
Previously these sidebar menus had their own bespoke hooks.
The SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink hook
is deprecated and can be replaced with the new and improved
SidebarBeforeOutput hook.
The SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs and SkinTemplateTabAction hooks
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T253814>were seldom used and replaced
with SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal .
All BaseTemplate hooks should now be considered deprecated per T253809
- BaseTemplateAfterPortlet
is replaced with the template-rendering agnostic SkinAfterPortlet
- SkinTemplateToolboxEnd
replaced with the new and improved version of SidebarBeforeOutput
- BaseTemplateToolbox
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/BaseTemplateToolbox> is
replaced with the new and improved version of SidebarBeforeOutput
Finally a big one:
The SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec hook is now deprecated
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T60137>. Previously this hook could do a
lot of things and often in ways that were hard to reason with. For example,
previously this hook was used alongside other hooks to add items to the
footer and to override skin internals to display portals that were normally
hidden. We looked through all the use cases for this hook and are confident
we've caught the most confident use cases. Migration depends on what it was
previously used for but are documented on mediawiki.org
It's possible there are other use cases, we missed and if so we plan to
cover those during the 1.36 release.
If you are an extension developer and have any questions about migration
please feel free to ping me on the associated Phabricator ticket or hook
talk page, we will be happy to improve the documentation and help you find
the right way to upgrade your code.
As we go into 1.36 we plan to make changes that simplify MediaWiki skin
development and make the ecosystem friendlier to frontend developers and
make skins easier to maintain. In fact, in future, it will be possible to
write skins without a single line of PHP. If you are excited or intrigued
by these changes and want to get involved in the conversations I urge you
to subscribe to our board.
I'm particularly interested in hearing from developers who are keen to make
skins in the new ecosystem. Your input and creativity would be much
appreciated. Feel free to drop me a private mail or engage in open
In addition to all the extension developers who helped review changes to
their hook contracts, I would like to especially thank the following people
for getting us to this landmark: Ammarpad, Timo, Volker and Mainframe98.
I'd like to give a specific shout out for Ammarpad who has been a huge
driving force here, preventing various bugs from occurring and swiftly
responding to many of the unexpected regressions that we encountered during
this work. We couldn't have done this without you!
Thanks for reading!
[Apologies for cross-posting]
TL;DR: We will take our Gerrit instance at gerrit.wikimeda.org offline
on Saturday, 27th of June from 17:00--22:00 UTC (hopefully much
shorter) to upgrade to the latest Gerrit v3.2.2.
(10:00--15:00 San Francisco time, and 19:00--24:00 Central
European time)
We're currently running Gerrit v2.15, which is no longer supported and
we will upgrade to Gerrit v3.2 on Saturday 27th of June. This new
version brings lots of improvements. The most noticeable change is
probably the UI overhaul. The (default) "old UI" gets removed and the
"new UI" has been completely revamped. It's much more modern looking
and easier to use. And it also became far more usable on mobile
phones. But the new version of course also comes with fixes and
additions around the ssh interface, and the HTTP API.
Since this is such a big upgrade, we want to give you a chance to look
at it beforehand. You can test at
It holds a copy of our Gerrit data as of 15th of June, and it runs the
new Gerrit v3.2.2. We'll keep tuning things there during this week, so
it might get an occasional restart. But look around and test the new
UI, the HTTP API, etc.
If you run into issues or discover bugs, please open tickets in
Phabricator and set the Gerrit 3.x upgrade task (T254158) as parent.
Note that this test Gerrit instance is already hooked up with our
Phabricator. If you upload / merge / abandon / etc changes with a
`Bug: Tnnnn` footer, you'll get comments on the corresponding tasks in
Gerrit. So please use our test task T775 for your experiments.
As everything, also this upgrade comes with a few downsides:
* The new UI no longer works on Internet Explorer (currently ~0.02% of
Gerrit's web requests).
Microsoft's Edge browser works though.
So if you are still using Internet Explorer, please consider switching
to a different browser.
* Users of git-review need to use at least version 1.27 (released
September 2018). Otherwise uploading changes will fail.
* Your git should be at least version 2.2.0 (released November 2014)
to take advantage of the new, much simpler commit-msg hook.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a painless update,
Christian with lots of helping hands from RelEng, and SRE
Hi Community Metrics team,
This is your automatic monthly Phabricator statistics mail.
Accounts created in (2020-06): 328
Active Maniphest users (any activity) in (2020-06): 1092
Task authors in (2020-06): 586
Users who have closed tasks in (2020-06): 317
Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on
their workboard in (2020-06): 321
Tasks created in (2020-06): 2713
Tasks closed in (2020-06): 2646
Open and stalled tasks in total: 44758
* Only open tasks in total: 43741
* Only stalled tasks in total: 1017
Median age in days of open tasks by priority:
Unbreak now: 4
Needs Triage: 562
High: 929
Normal: 1262
Low: 1798
Lowest: 1811
(How long tasks have been open, not how long they have had that priority)
Active Differential users (any activity) in (2020-06): 3
To see the names of the most active task authors:
* Go to https://wikimedia.biterg.io/
* Choose "Phabricator > Overview" from the top bar
* Adjust the time frame in the upper right corner to your needs
* See the author names in the "Submitters" panel
TODO: Numbers which refer to closed tasks might not be correct, as
described in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T1003 .
Yours sincerely,
Fab Rick Aytor
(via community_metrics.sh on phab1001 at Wed 01 Jul 2020 12:00:23 AM UTC)
Hi Community Metrics team,
This is your automatic monthly Phabricator statistics mail.
Accounts created in (2020-06): 328
Active Maniphest users (any activity) in (2020-06): 1092
Task authors in (2020-06): 586
Users who have closed tasks in (2020-06): 317
Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on
their workboard in (2020-06): 321
Tasks created in (2020-06): 2713
Tasks closed in (2020-06): 2646
Open and stalled tasks in total: 44758
* Only open tasks in total: 43741
* Only stalled tasks in total: 1017
Median age in days of open tasks by priority:
Unbreak now: 4
Needs Triage: 562
High: 929
Normal: 1262
Low: 1798
Lowest: 1811
(How long tasks have been open, not how long they have had that priority)
Active Differential users (any activity) in (2020-06): 3
To see the names of the most active task authors:
* Go to https://wikimedia.biterg.io/
* Choose "Phabricator > Overview" from the top bar
* Adjust the time frame in the upper right corner to your needs
* See the author names in the "Submitters" panel
TODO: Numbers which refer to closed tasks might not be correct, as
described in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T1003 .
Yours sincerely,
Fab Rick Aytor
(via community_metrics.sh on phab1001 at Wed 01 Jul 2020 12:00:22 AM UTC)