Hi all,
When some text gets translated to different languages, the result can be
very different in length depending on the languages involved.
This has implications to both development and design, and sometimes we want
to quickly check how long a specific translation can become. Since I was
asked about this recently, I though it would be interesting to share two
simple methods I use:
The first one is to check all the translations for a given message at
translatewiki.net (where MediaWiki gets translated):
1. Go to translatewiki.net
2. Search for an expression such as "reply to", and you'll get a list of
all messages that contain those terms across all the projects that get
translated at translatewiki (you can filter to a specific project if you
want to check a specific message in Mediawiki).
3. Click on edit translation. By clicking on the translation ID you can
access the "All translations" option (as shown here
<http://i.imgur.com/GXNVAJv.png>). That will provide access to the list
of all available translations
for a given message.
4. Take a look at the list and check the different lengths for the
translations ("回复", "Reply to", "Antwoorden naar", "ಉಲ್ಲದಕ್ಕೂ ಉತ್ತರಿಸು",
"இந்த முகவரிக்கு பதில் அளி"...).
Alternatively, for terms that exist on Wikipedia, Wikidata can be also used
for that purpose:
1. Go to a Wikipedia article for the term you are interested in (e.g.,
2. At the end of the language list on the sidebar, click on "edit
links". That will gave you access to a list with the titles of the
equivalent articles
<http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q189756#sitelinks-wikipedia> in different
3. Take a look a the the length of the terms in the list.
None of the methods above are bulletproof since those depend on the
availability of the content you are looking for (or something similar), but
can be useful in different situations.
Pau Giner
Interaction Designer
Wikimedia Foundation
I just wanted to give progress report on some of the things that have
been happening with MediaWiki-Vagrant. You may have seen the
announcement a couple of weeks ago [0] about changes to the multiwiki
support and a long awaited Wikidata role. Since then we've had another
47 (!) changes land including:
* A role for the MolHandler extension developed during GSoC
* Roles to install the MonoBook, Modern, and CologneBlue skins
* Support for testing Flickr uploads in uploadwizard role
* Browser tests support for CentralAuth
* A role for the PhpTags extension
* A role for Gadgets 2.0
There have also been some new plumbing changes. MWV is now using hiera
[1] to manage the list of enabled roles for the VM. The puppet
manifests that were at puppet/manifests/roles/*.pp were moved to a
proper module at puppet/modules/role and the site.pp manifest has been
changed to no longer use the deprecated Puppet "import" statement.
This has also opened up the possibility of making the Puppet code
shipped with MediaWiki-Vagrant compatible with more environments.
Hiera lets us do a better job of separating code from configuration by
providing a means to override variables in a structured way. This is
already being used to some extent to provide better support of running
multiple wikis via labs-vagrant [2].
The final milestone I'd like to point out is that all of our puppet
code now passes the mediawiki-vagrant-puppetlint-lenient tests in
Jenkins [3] and the job has now been made "voting" in gerrit to help
patch contributors find and fix formatting errors quickly. As always,
MWV ships with a Rakefile that can be used to run the lint checks
locally as well.
[0]: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/wiki/wikitech/494609
[1]: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/puppet.html
[2]: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Labs-vagrant
[3]: https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/mediawiki-vagrant-puppetlint-lenie…
Bryan Davis Wikimedia Foundation <bd808(a)wikimedia.org>
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]] Sr Software Engineer Boise, ID USA
irc: bd808 v:415.839.6885 x6855
There are build errors in the mediawiki builds on travis-ci, which
have been happening for four months.
Is anyone using that to help with development. I doubt it, given they
are broken.
Could they be disabled, as those jobs are causing other travis-ci jobs
under 'wikimedia' to be delayed. e.g. the pywikibot-core builds,
where the developer team actively uses the travis builds.
John Vandenberg
On Tuesday, August 19, 2014, Jon Robson <jdlrobson(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I was curious to how generic the rating system is. For example would
> it be possible to use such a thing on something like BetaFeatures or
> was it specifically designed for extension rating?
I'm not sure how related is this, but Article Feedback allowed user rating
+ comment, and it was deployed in Wikimedia servers. Editors didn't find it
that useful for regular articles (too much extra work processing too little
value feedback on top of Talk pages), but maybe this could (with small or
not so small adaptation, I don't know) in the very specific context of a
beta feature page.
For instance, imagine a page created specifically for a deployment of a
specific version of a specific beta feature e.g. Winter 0.x. There you
would expect ratings plus optional short feedback without requiring to the
user any background nor any commitment to engage in a discussion. The
deeper discussion would flow (pun intended) across releases at the beta
feature talk page e.g. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Winter
Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
On 20 August 2014 13:02, Antoine Musso <hashar+wmf(a)free.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> The tests results being reported to Gerrit are now much nicer. The
> first ever example is https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/155341/
> James E. Blair from Openstack found a nice trick to inject HTML in
> Gerrit comment. Christian Aistleitner kindly reviewed and tested the
> regex, and further improved the craziness.
> Daniel Zahn deployed the change on spot a few minutes ago and we now
> have slightly nicer and more readable test results being reported.
> \O/
> Ref:
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66095
Lovely! Thanks all.
James D. Forrester
Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
jforrester(a)wikimedia.org | @jdforrester
Hi Wil,
Yes, this newsletter will be similar to those on the page you linked.
The relevance of an article about check fraud is that Wikimedia thematic
organizations should be aware of financial security issues that could
impact them, and check fraud is one of those issues.
Yes, a how-to article about setting up a secure MW installation would be in
scope for the security newsletter.
On Aug 19, 2014 3:19 AM, "Wil Sinclair" <wllm(a)wllm.com> wrote:
> Hi Pine, I'd love to contribute. I'll mail you offlist about that, but
> I have a few general questions that others may be wondering about.
> Would this be similar to one of these newsletters?
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Newsletters#List_of_newsletters
> If so, from your list of topics it sounds like this one might be a bit
> different than the other newsletters in that material relatively
> unrelated to WM/WP is fair game. Maybe I'm just a small-minded techie,
> but you lost me at check fraud.
> I'm assuming a how-to on how to set up a MediaWiki installation
> without getting completely pwned by spammers and mals. Hint: don't let
> untrusted users move and delete pages. :) Also, I'm working on
> security integrations between MW and some other popular open source
> projects. If anyone has anything to say about this stuff, please mail
> me offlist or maybe we can take it to a more specific list.
> Anyways, best of luck with wherever you guys/gals take this.
> ,Wil
> > In collaboration with Chris Steipp, I am considering starting a monthly
> > security newsletter for Wikimedia, focused on common risks and mitigation
> > techniques. The target audience is the broad Wikimedia community
> including
> > developers, WMF and chapter employees, and volunteers with high risk
> > accounts.
> >
> > Example topics:
> > Phishing
> > Coding best practices
> > Wifi security
> > Securing data stored on cell phones
> > Check fraud
> > Preventing insider theft of funds in Wikimedia organizations
> >
> > If you are interested in contributing to the newsletter please email me
> off
> > list.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Pine
> > _______________________________________________
> > Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> > Wikimedia-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> > Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
> <mailto:wikimedia-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> Wikimedia-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
> <mailto:wikimedia-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
In addition to what I said below (this was originally sent to design),
anonymous editing is now enabled. So feel free to test anonymously or
with as many accounts (throw-away accounts are fine on this test wiki)
as you'd like.
Matt Flaschen
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: mwui.wmflabs.org reactivated, showing upcoming MW UI styles
($wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere = true;)
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:16:24 -0400
From: Matthew Flaschen <mflaschen(a)wikimedia.org>
To: Design list <design(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
I've updated the MW UI demo site
(http://mwui.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page) and enabled
$wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere = true; (the global used by Jon's blanket MW
UI change).
Basically, we want to test this version for a while, then make it the
only version. So please click around on
http://mwui.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page (e.g. try editing
http://mwui.wmflabs.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum, among many other possibilities).
Matt Flaschen