I've encountered that texvc is not doing conversion to MathML - at least
I've never seen MathML in Wikipedia. This has some drawbacks:
* its not as accessible, because blind users will have to read TeX code.
* its not scaleable
* its not linkable
ie. while the accessibility and scaleability seems to be a minor issue to
me, I want the possibility of linking and annotation.
Examine writing
<math>U = 12\,\mathrm{V}</math>
but the meaning is
<math>U = 12 \it \unit{V}</math>,
where "\it" is the "⁢" or "⁢", but its not working in this
Further I want also linking:
<math>\link[wp:Voltage]{U} = 12 \it \unit{\link[wp:Volts]{V}}</math>
This should result in the following MathML code:
<m:mi xref:href="wp:Voltage">U</m:mi>
<m:mi xref:href="wp:Volts" class="unit">V</m:mi>
I think texvc's further development should address this issue, while
rendering TeX as bitmap should only get used for more special things like
graphs, and musical notes.
Also chemical molecules should get represented as ChemML; some graphs could
get represented as GML or a similar dialect. The desicion if the user gets
bitmaps or XML should be based only on the user settings and not on the
browser, because the browsers can get rendering plugins if needed.
ys, MovGP0