On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Tisza Gergő <gtisza@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Steven! Translated for Hungarian. I have two questions though:

Thank you. :) I'll make sure it's included in the list for Thursday's deployment. 
- what non-MediaWiki-namespace pages should we create/translate? From the messages it seems at least Help:Guided_tours and Help:Guided_tours/guider should have a local equivalent.

Those two would be nice, yes. There's an English Wikipedia version of Help:Guided tours that you linked to is up to date, if you can help get it started.
- there is a message saying Click '{{int:savearticle}}' and your changes will be visible. What is the context for that? Will it make sense on a wiki with FlagRevs enabled, where article changes are not immediately visible?

This message comes from a tour associated with Extension:GettingStarted. Since that extension is not enabled on any other wikis (yet!) no need to worry. We'll adapt that message for wikis with FlaggedRevs when the time comes to enable it and send that tour to new editors. If you want to get a head start, and have it say "saved" in Hungarian rather than "visible" that's totally fine. 

Steven Walling