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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chad <>
Date: 1 July 2014 15:53
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Search status and final rollout dates
To: Wikimedia developers <>

We're in the home stretch with replacing the old search engine. I'd like to
thank our many thousands of beta testers who opted in and provided their
feedback throughout this process.

You might have noticed we've been rolling it out as the primary search
engine on progressively more wikis. We're down to 11 of the largest wikis
based on search traffic and we've put together a timeline for these:

commons - July 7
eswiki - July 9
nlwiki - July 14
plwiki - July 16
ruwiki - July 28
svwiki - July 30
zhwiki - August 13
dewiki - August 18
frwiki - August 20
jawiki - August 25
enwiki - August 27

It's basically 2 per week starting Monday with a weird break for Wikimania.
Unless we find any last minute blockers I think we'll be done by the end of
August :) If you find anything that's still a problem in Cirrus at all,
even if it's
minor and not a blocker please let us know in Bugzilla.


PS: Please feel free to forward this to appropriate other venues
Wikitech-l mailing list

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. | @jdforrester