
The latest technical newsletter is now available at <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2018/51>. Below is the English version.

You can help write the next newsletter: whenever you see information about Wikimedia technology that you think should be distributed more broadly, you can add it to the next newsletter at <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tech/News/Next>.

More information on how to contribute is available at <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tech/News#contribute>. You can also contact Johan or I directly.

As always, feedback (on- or off-list) is appreciated and encouraged.

Other languages: Deutsch • dansk • ‎español • ‎français • ‎polski • ‎português do Brasil • ‎suomi • ‎svenska • ‎čeština • ‎русский • ‎українська • ‎עברית • ‎العربية • ‎हिन्दी • ‎মেইতেই লোন্ • ‎中文 • ‎日本語

Nick Wilson (Quiddity)
Wikimedia Foundation