Hi David,

Thanks for the kind comments! 
It looks great, well done.

I've created a phabricator ticket for this comment:
With my configuration, contents slightly overflow the page when using a window of between 481 and 560 px wide. I would increase the border between mobile and desktop view from 480 px to ~550 px (or would modify contents so that we didn't need to modify that limit).

I've also updated this ticket with your screen shot:
Having written a topic in the search box, the selected summary overflows the box after clicking.

I believe the license (and other icons that we don't display on the page) are meant for browsers, app, etc that look for that type of information if their site requires uses of it's display.
While a license (CC BY-SA 3.0) is specified in the HTML (<link rel="license" href="//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">), no license is displayed to the user.

As for future work of this nature being completed on the wikimedia.org portal site, that's TBD at this point. I'd like to investigate how much traffic actually goes to that portal page (ticket). 

Also - there is no set order of the sister project links at the bottom of the page as far as aligning with other wiki pages listing the sister projects.

Thanks again!



Deb Tankersley
Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 6:46 AM, David Abián <davidabian@wikimedia.es> wrote:
It looks great, well done.

However, I leave some comments:

* With my configuration, contents slightly overflow the page when using
a window of between 481 and 560 px wide. I would increase the border
between mobile and desktop view from 480 px to ~550 px (or would modify
contents so that we didn't need to modify that limit).


* Having written a topic in the search box, the selected summary
overflows the box after clicking.


* While a license (CC BY-SA 3.0) is specified in the HTML (<link
rel="license" href="//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">), no
license is displayed to the user.

And some questions:

* Are you planning to make something similar with wikimedia.org?

* Do you follow a specific order when linking to the sister projects? I
see that wikipedia.org and wikimedia.org show the projects in a
different order.

Thank you!

El 11/03/16 a las 19:18, Deborah Tankersley escribió:
> Hello!
> I'm very pleased to announce that we've updated the Wikipedia.org
> <http://wikipedia.org/> portal page with a brand new search box that is
> more prominent and will now display meta data with images (as available)
> in the search results (link
> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_searchbox_with_metadata.png>).
> This was a large effort by the Discovery Portal team to develop a
> JavaScript-only version of the language picker, so that JavaScript
> enabled browsers will see all the new meta data. Alongside that effort,
> we also ensured that in JavaScript (JS) disabled browsers (or older
> Internet Explorer versions), our visitors won't have a bad experience
> when choosing a language to search in. (Note 1: in older IE versions and
> JS disabled browsers, the type-ahead and meta data search results
> information will not be displayed.)
> We also implemented a shorter language code (ie: EN for English, ES for
> Spanish, etc) to allow for more characters to be typed into the search
> box. When a user toggles the language selector, the full language name
> will be displayed in the dropdown for easy finding of the language you
> prefer to search in. For the more technical minded - I've also uploaded,
> to Commons, a screenshot
> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sample_browsers_tested.png> of
> one of the ways we test our code, visually.
> We're interested in hearing your feedback or if you have any questions!
> (Note 2: My apologies for not getting this email out yesterday, but I
> had had issues with size limitations of my screenshots.)
> On behalf of the very happy Wikipedia.org Portal Team,
> Deb
> --
> Deb Tankersley
> Product Manager, Discovery
> Wikimedia Foundation
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David Abián - davidabian.com
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