It looks great, well done.
With my configuration, contents slightly overflow the page when using a window of between 481 and 560 px wide. I would increase the border between mobile and desktop view from 480 px to ~550 px (or would modify contents so that we didn't need to modify that limit).
Having written a topic in the search box, the selected summary overflows the box after clicking.
While a license (CC BY-SA 3.0) is specified in the HTML (<link rel="license" href="//">), no license is displayed to the user.
It looks great, well done.
However, I leave some comments:
* With my configuration, contents slightly overflow the page when using
a window of between 481 and 560 px wide. I would increase the border
between mobile and desktop view from 480 px to ~550 px (or would modify
contents so that we didn't need to modify that limit).
* Having written a topic in the search box, the selected summary
overflows the box after clicking.
* While a license (CC BY-SA 3.0) is specified in the HTML (<link
rel="license" href="//">), no
license is displayed to the user.
And some questions:
* Are you planning to make something similar with
* Do you follow a specific order when linking to the sister projects? I
see that and show the projects in a
different order.
Thank you!
El 11/03/16 a las 19:18, Deborah Tankersley escribió:
> Hello!
> I'm very pleased to announce that we've updated the
> <> portal page with a brand new search box that is
> more prominent and will now display meta data with images (as available)
> in the search results (link
> <>).
> This was a large effort by the Discovery Portal team to develop a
> JavaScript-only version of the language picker, so that JavaScript
> enabled browsers will see all the new meta data. Alongside that effort,
> we also ensured that in JavaScript (JS) disabled browsers (or older
> Internet Explorer versions), our visitors won't have a bad experience
> when choosing a language to search in. (Note 1: in older IE versions and
> JS disabled browsers, the type-ahead and meta data search results
> information will not be displayed.)
> We also implemented a shorter language code (ie: EN for English, ES for
> Spanish, etc) to allow for more characters to be typed into the search
> box. When a user toggles the language selector, the full language name
> will be displayed in the dropdown for easy finding of the language you
> prefer to search in. For the more technical minded - I've also uploaded,
> to Commons, a screenshot
> <> of
> one of the ways we test our code, visually.
> We're interested in hearing your feedback or if you have any questions!
> (Note 2: My apologies for not getting this email out yesterday, but I
> had had issues with size limitations of my screenshots.)
> On behalf of the very happy Portal Team,
> Deb
> --
> Deb Tankersley
> Product Manager, Discovery
> Wikimedia Foundation
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