Dear ALL
(especially QueeringWikipedia/Wikimedia and Queer Spore enthusiasts)

In 12 hours from now I will be giving a Lightning Talk
#QUEERingNETWORKing - webs against normal 

inside of an amazing online event
Art Meets radical Openness Festival
among other excellent speakers and programing
on this link

In the time when discussing the 'new normal' in the media is a dominant trend of 'developed' world, while suppressed and critical voices are questioning who's normal it was...web practices that address normalcy and How?Who? they fail should help research, imagine and prototype what could be alternatives, or even appropriations that foreground care and needs for those who are always far from norms. WikiWiki%Lohi?

a day later
I will join a NotFoundOn custodians doing
a workshop (you can still register) on queer-feminist wiki use

(DIY&DIWO wiki as safe space for +LGBTIQ+ communities)
This is an invitation to join an online, intimate listening and co-writing workshop with discussion of DIY&DIWO community networks and content repositories.
Over the past year NotFoundOn has been co-creating a mediawiki platform to record/connect feminist queer intersectional knowledge. It has done so by responding to tensions for the desire for privacy and the desire to share, as well as the precarious nature of the spaces we occupy. It is the recognition of bars, kitchens, sports teams as sites of knowledge creation and the desire to seek alternatives to corporately owned social media.
We welcome participants from the LGBTQIA+ communities who have an intersectional feminist approach, to love and inclusiveness. No pre-existing wiki knowledge is necessary. All bodies welcome.

Best Z