Hi all;
I have some recommendation about the Grant;
- The start date is the date of begin spending funds for this project, I think you will start spending the money before one month, the end date also.
- You need to add a section where you have to specify the place of the event (venue, city and country) and start date and end date of the conference I can't see it in the grants.
- The discussion with WMF, GAC members and Community, can stay between one month to two months (eg wikarabia conference 66 days) knowing that it remains 102 days before the beginning of the conference from now.
- From our experience,in the organization of wikiarabia , you need to clarify more the program, many questions will asked about the program, you can see the discussion of wikiarabia https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:PEG/Wikimedia_TN_User_Group/Wiki-Arabia-2015