> Hi,
> I need a template solution for the following proof-reading problem I faced
> in Bengali Wikisource.
> There is a reference in Page 1 which is continued in Page 2. I have used
> the following code in Page 1:-
> <ref> Text of Page 1 reference and <includeonly>text of Page 2
> reference</includeonly></ref>
> It was okay while proof-reading, but when it was transcluded in mainspace,
> its not working. There the text of Page 2 reference is not shown.
> Can anyone help me with a solution? Do we need some more templates?
> Thanks.
This is supported by cite extention internally. Just use:
<ref name="some name>...</ref> and
<ref follow="some name">...</ref> on the following page(s), as described
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