Hi Ilario,

If you check this link, you can find it written at the Terms and Conditions section - The actual contents are subject to the copyright laws of the respective data providers as the authors or publishers retain copyright to these works which are used by NDL India with permission.

It is the practice for any government agency like NDLI to sign a MoU or other form of contracts with other organizations, before engaging with them in any way. Although I can't speak for NDLI, but it is extremely likely that they have partnered with Worldebooklibrary and others officially.


On Sat, 14 Mar 2020 at 23:38, Ilario valdelli <valdelli@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you for that,

I have checked some languages but it seems that this digital library
have books of some languages completely taken from Project Gutenberg
(http://www.gutenberg.org) or from World Ebook Library
(http://www.worldebooklibrary.org/) and they have their own licenses.

It's not clear what is the library for whom the NDLI owns the copyrights
and they can donate.

Kind regards

On 14/03/2020 09:38, Bodhisattwa Mandal wrote:
> Through this understanding, we will work together on:
>     - integrating Wikisource and Wikidata contents on NDLI website.
>     <https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/>
>     - building up technical infrastructure on NDLI website to crowdsource
>     metadata curation on Wikidata and proofreading on Wikisource websites.
>     - importing relevant contents and data from NDLI website to Wikidata and
>     Wikisource.
>     - identifying and pursuing collaboration opportunities around other
>     Wikimedia projects, such as Wikibooks.
Ilario Valdelli
Wikimedia CH
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
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Switzerland - 8008 Zürich
Wikipedia: Ilario
Skype: valdelli
Tel: +41764821371