2016-08-03 22:02 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com>:
Anika Born, 03/08/2016 21:05:
maybe there is a bigger problem with that user?

He just does a lot, let's not jump to conclusions.


just saw some other (not helpful) users on that talk-page, who also got me very frustrated with wikidata. 

(I couldn't work on statements to items, cause I had to explane myselfe (notwithstanding existing project pages for documentation) multiple times and every one know better how to do it correctly on Wikidata - contradicting themselves and each other, very frustrating and very, very time consuming. Back then Succu, the one pointing out the species-problem, was helpful and the only one really working on the problem we had. )

Maybe that was why... 


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