Thanks Tpt for the quick response.

I feel that that is the situation for most Wikisources: the problem is that it's a static model, and not a procedure.
For example:
I put a new book in my Wikisource, what should I do?
* check if is a new edition of a book in WS
if not
* check if there is already an item on WD
** if so, check if is work or edition
** if edition --> ok, link it
** if work, create edition, then link it

Workflows like this, I think, are not in place.
We would need a WikidataWizard :-D


On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 11:13 AM, Thomas Tanon <> wrote:
Hello Andrea,

I don't believe that the integration state have move forward since Wikisource conference. The current state is something like:
- if a work had many edition, have an item for the work and one for each edition, link the Wikisource disambiguation page to the work item and the main page of each edition (in ns0) to the edtion items. Do nothing for the index: page.
- if a work had only one edition, have a single item for both and link to the main Page: of ns0 in Wikisource.

I would also be very happy to hear about if things moved in other communities.


> Le 21 mai 2016 à 10:48, Andrea Zanni <> a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> next week I'll participate in a conference/hackathon called WikiCite [1]
> It will be a great opportunity to talk about Wikidata and books in general, and of course I'd love to work about the integration of Wikidata and Wikisource.
> It is my understanding (but please correct me if I'm wrong) that very few Wikisource integrated their books with Wikidata.
> Of course, this is because the perennial issue of complicated relationships between books: a book as a "work", a book as an "edition" of that work.
> To complicate further, Wikisources host the ns0 textual version of a book and
> the nsIndex, but Wikidata do want only one sitelink...
> Many discussions happened here [2],
> but I fear I'm lost now. I don't know where are we now, and if some community did indeed solve the problem.
> If your so, please tell :-)
> It's really important.
> Aubrey
> [1]
> [2]
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