
The Wikisource meetup for Indian communities will happen on 14th August 2 pm IST at the Incompetence building. Please feel free to book a slot for Europe friendly timezone.


On Fri, Jul 30, 2021, 13:28 Thomas Pellissier Tanon <thomas@pellissier-tanon.fr> wrote:

It's a great idea! Thank you for moving it forward!

What about planning two meetups, one in India/Europe time zones and
one in US time (maybe also in a european-compatible timezone)? This
way we would hopefully cover most of the interested people.



Le mer. 28 juil. 2021 à 06:54, Bodhisattwa Mandal
<bodhisattwa.rgkmc@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hello all,
> Is it ok for all, if I book slot(s) at Wikimania Unconference for Wikisource meetup? If yes, what would be the preferred date and time? Or can we have multiple meetups to accommodate all timezones?
> The tables in the Unconference can only accommodate 20 people max. So, if there are enough interested Wikisourcers, multiple tables can also be booked for a given period of time, but the inherent structure of the Remo platform will prevent inter-table interaction among participants, which is the only disadvantage.
> Please share your thoughts on how to move forward.
> Regards,
> Bodhisattwa
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