Hi Aarti,

I think it is a good idea to start with the Author template, maybe you could post it in the Mediawiki page for the Google Code-in?

Another thing that also could be interesting is to find the equivalent of wikisource templates as TEI tags.

Will you be mentoring?


On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Aarti K. Dwivedi <ellydwivedi2093@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

     Google Code-in starts on 18 November. It is aimed at pre-university students aged 13-17. You can

find more information here[1]. It is a contest and tasks are rated separately. Since, this would be the first

time most of the contestants would be coding something in FOSS and would have relatively less expertise,

the projects are supposed to small. I would be really glad if one of the contestants from Wikimedia, works

on a Wikisource related task. This[2] link mentions that there are some templates which are common to

a few Wikisources, but have been developed independently. 

I understand that the reason is dependency on other templates, which follow different development routines.

In my opinion, templates that serve the same purpose on various Wikisources can be just one module, 

instead of several implementations, as is the current situation. Although I am not aware of all the templates

that are used on various Wikisources,

I would suggest that a common template be used for displaying the author boxes on author pages. The

design need not be the same but the backend can be shared.

Challenges involved:

1. Deciding an optimal design of the template so that it works properly on all Wikisources/

2. Making sure the new template does not break any template that was initially dependent on the author template.

In my opinion, point 3 would be the most notorious of all the challenges to be handled.

It would be great if someone from each Wikisource could tell how other templates are dependent on

the "author" template. It might be a bit overwhelming for a newcomer, so I would prefer doing the standardisation

of templates for the Wikisources, for which there are least dependencies on the author template

I would like feedback from the community on the idea before I propose it on the code-in page[3].

[1] https://www.google-melange.com/gci/document/show/gci_program/google/gci2013/about_page

[2] https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Wikisource_common_template_set

[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Annoying_little_bugs

Thank You,

Aarti ( Rtdwivedi )

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