On 11/07/15 16:52, Nicolas VIGNERON wrote:

Catégorie:Textes validés is the category for themainspace texts (« 100 % » is the step just before validation).
Catégorie:Livres terminés is the same thing but for indices (yeah the name is very unclear, sorry about that), not sure which one you need.

For brwiki :

        'cat_label'  => 'Rummad',
        'cat_root'   => 'Pennrummad',
        'index_ns'   => 100,
        'index_root' => 'Menegerioù gwiriekaet',

Idem as supra, Menegerioù gwiriekaet is for indices, is it ok ?

Cdlt, ~nicolas

Ah, cool! Thank you. I've fixed fr and added br. Now the tool has 4 languages! :) This is fun.

Should Catégorie:Textes validés not have indices in it then? There seem to be some, e.g. those for
  1. Hadji Mourad et autres contes
  2. La Grande Famille (J. Grave)
  3. Le Râmâyana (trad. Fauche)
  4. L’Esprit chrétien et le patriotisme