If I understand the submissions page, talks that are introductory/mechanistic do not go through that process. The page refers users to a page at Meta and shows the liaisons. Can we find out some detail as I am wondering if we still need to cover our basics and show that to the broader community.

We might also do well to look to have something prepared for the hackathon so we can present needs/opportunities to the developers. 

I agree that a rep to the conf in Berlin would be advantageous, and are the best choice.

On Wed, 6 Jan 2016 06:07 Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I have to announcements:
* first, it's important that we (well, you :-D) propose some presentations for the next Wikimania!
Here's the first link:
and here the form:

I've put myself as a Liason for Wikisource and the organizing team, so make sure to submit stuff, it's important we are present at this Wikimania.

* second: I would like to ask a scholarship to represent the Wikisource Community User Group at the next Wikimedia Conference, in Berlin. I think it's important to send someone for the UG, and I hope that for you is OK that I'm proposing myself. It's most and "advocacy/politics" conference, as many of you know, and I would like to push things for us. We did a great job in Vienna and I hope someone will be willing to listen :-)

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