Please note the order of my list of requests: 

1. extracting mapped text, in list-like format (lighter, easier to obtain by two DjvuLibre routines, but a little tricky to converto into a js object), or/and in xml format; this is really simple to get by a server routine, and difficult to obtain  for a usual user: 
2. cropping images (all what's needed is a tool to crop jpg already produced by mediawiki software); this is not so important. 

Yes, sometimes default jpg images are not the best but IMHO a low-resolution image, cropped and self-uploaded into Commons, could be very useful as a "placeholder" to a better one coming from full resolution images of the page (usually from original TIFF or derived JP2 collections into IA).


2014-10-01 13:43 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <>:
Alex Brollo, 01/10/2014 08:32:
* While supporting multiple page djvu, to implement a tool to copy into
clipboard with a click from displayed djvu page: (1) pure text layer,
(2) lisp-like mapped text layer structure at line or word detail, (3)
xml mapped text-layer (Alex brollo)
* While supporting multiple page djvu, to implement a tool to crop and
download illustrations (as jpg or png) from image djvu layer of current
page (Alex brollo)

Do we have a list of crop tools somewhere, made with both Commons and Wikisource workflows in mind?


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