
I'm agree with Thomas. I moved to new URL in ca.wikisource last month, but I see that ca.wikisource still has 17 downloads. I have remembered that we tweeted several times old wsexport URL mainly in @viquitexts account. In that case, It's important keep (or redirect) old wsexport URL.


2015-09-02 10:58 GMT+02:00 Thomas Tanon <thomaspt@hotmail.fr>:
> Is http://wsexport.wmflabs.org being disconnected?
Not in the foreseeable future. I think that when the number of requests to this instance will become low I'll redirect the URLs of the old tool to the new tool. So, the URLs won't be broken.

> I will try to update all my links I made from MediaLibraryOnline to your tool,



> Le 2 sept. 2015 à 10:29, Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Thomas.
> I will try to update all my links I made from MediaLibraryOnline to your
> tool,
> not sure if I manage to edit *all* of them.
> Is there a problem?
> Is http://wsexport.wmflabs.org being disconnected?
> Andrea
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Thomas Tanon <thomaspt@hotmail.fr> wrote:
>> TL;DR: please migrate to https://tools.wmflabs.org/wsexport/tool/book.php
>> that uses ePub 3 by default and supports PDF.
>> Hi everyone,
>> As a lot of you already knows, there is a new version of Wsexport running
>> on Wikimedia tools labs that support PDF [1].
>> It is up and running since last May and I believe it is now time to
>> migrate our on-wiki links to it and deprecate http://wsexport.wmflabs.org.
>> So, please, update the links to Wsexport in the templates and JS scripts of
>> your wiki.
>> I have also made one big change to the tools.wmflabs.org version: switch
>> the default ePub format from ePub 2 to ePub 3. This change will allow us to
>> provide better ePubs by default, with nice features like footnotes
>> displayed in popups (works only with some readers like iBooks).
>> I believe it should not break most of reading devices but this is an
>> assumption that should be verified. So, if you could download your favorite
>> books in ePub 3 and test them on your good old ereaders it would be very
>> nice in order to don't break the reading experience of our readers. If you
>> encounter any problem, please open a bug on GitHub [2].
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas (Tpt)
>> PS : I have also updated the stat page of the tools.wmflabs.org instance:
>> https://tools.wmflabs.org/wsexport/tool/stat.php
>> [1] https://tools.wmflabs.org/wsexport/tool/book.php
>> [2] https://github.com/wsexport/tool/issues
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