First, sorry for missing exactly the same suggestion on oldwikisource's scriptorium.  I didn't see it among the sea of "Tech News" posts.

On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 09:57:35Thomas Tanon <> wrote:

> I support too. It will allow oldwikisource to share the same configuration as language-based
> Wikisources. But we should really ask sysadmins if it's possible.

> Feel free to open a bug [1] asking if it's possible to move oldwikisource to
> and to add it in the "wikisource" site group.

> The second step would be to open a formal vote on oldWikisource.

> Thomas

Well, I've asked the initial question as bug 62717.  I don't file many bug reports, so hopefully that came out correctly.

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 21:37:32, Nicolas VIGNERON <> wrote:
> Do you have some URLs about that. It's seems pretty illogical to me.
> On all the other wikisources, there is bilingual books (and trilingual,quadrilingual,
> etc. multilingual books). On the breton wikisource, nearly 50% of the 145 books are
> bilingual ; moving them on old/ would be a damn loss :(
No URLs that I can recall off-hand.  I just remember it in connection with something I was working on (a translation of the Domesday Book) which is almost exactly half Latin and half English. Splitting books between projects has come up in a few other cases too.
- Adam