I actually missed this.

This will probably give us some issues: for the last 2-3 of years, every time I spoke with librarians i told them about the
"pipeline of open digitization" including both IA and Wikisource.
They would upload their folder full of JPEGs on IA, get a djvu, put the URL in the Tpt tool and upload it on Wikisource, then work it with the community.
Then they could get the brand new EPUB, with another Tpt tool.

I remember Alex Brollo was working with the djvu_xml layer, but i don't know if the tool we used for uploading books from IA to WS will still work using that. We kinda need to fix it...


On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 6:24 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
John Mark Vandenberg, 15/04/2016 02:19:
Oh?  Where I can read more about this policy change by IA?



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