I recently added two recommandations for improvement of MediaViewer here:


These my pretty exotic requests listed into "Bugs" section (I don't know if I posted them into the right section):

* While supporting multiple page djvu, to implement a tool to copy into clipboard with a click from displayed djvu page: (1) pure text layer, (2) lisp-like mapped text layer structure at line or word detail, (3) xml mapped text-layer (Alex brollo)
* While supporting multiple page djvu, to implement a tool to crop and download illustrations (as jpg or png) from image djvu layer of current page (Alex brollo)

The access to those two tools could enhance a lot, IMHO, full usability of data wrapped into our beloved djvu files. Some js tool could manage mapped djvu text with interesting results. Many from us can get the same data by a local djvuLibre application, but getting data from MediaViewer could avoid the use of local command-line applications  and make easier access to those interesting, so far unused  data for anyone. 
