Hi strongly agree with everything, Nemo.
I also remember hearing Sj, in an official Board Q&A, say explicitly that he foresaw Wikisource as bigger than Wikipedia!

But Wikisource is out of the strategy, we know that.
We ask, keep asking and will continue to ask, but we are still out of the development and strategic planning.
I don't have a solution for that, that is different from I (and others, of course) have done in these years:
build a community, build a consensus focus energies and minds on important issues, gain credibility and interest.

For me, just having a skilled Wikisorceror like Billinghurst onboard is a great step forward:
in Wikimania we had several talks about Wikisource, and in the WS meeting there were almost 20 of us.
Things are moving, but we really need to work together.


On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Nicolas VIGNERON <vigneron.nicolas@gmail.com> wrote:

        However, in 5 years I've yet to find ONE person that says, yes Nemo, you're right, Wikisource should be 10 or 50 times as big as Wikipedia, let's plan for that. Probably I'm wrong. :)

+1. Count me in !
It will be hard and I'm afraid we might lose some good users in the process if we don't do things the right way but the wikisources should and need to be bigger (and easier to use/edit, and more compatible-compliant, and so on).

The very question is : how could and should we do it right ?
My 2 cents : maybe we could do an other survey but more technical, writing down some proposals, drawing some mock-up and ask the wikisorcerers.

Cdlt, ~nicolas

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