On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 8:53 PM, Thomas Tanon <thomaspt@hotmail.fr> wrote:
> * first, it's important that we (well, you :-D) propose some presentations for the next Wikimania!
Strong +1. I have no great new things to present this time so it won't be me. But it should definitely be someone else.

Not sure, Tpt: you're presentation about "Where we are, what we want to do" is always useful, as it's a good overview of what have been done for Wikisource in the past years, and possible directions of improvement. Along with what billinghurst is saying, I'd propose it. Also, I'd prepare some projects for the hackathon, something we can really do in those days of work. maybe something with Wikidata? Maybe Visual Editor in the Proofread Page? :-)
