and do we have the list of previous year participants?
I am not sure if I can join Sunday, as it is working day in Iran but I will do my best 

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 2:27 PM Nicolas VIGNERON <> wrote:

To make it clear, I'm candidate to go to the Summit.
I'm not sure if I'm the best person to represent this user group (UG) as the Summit is a « focused event for conversations on Movement Strategy » and I'm not always good at Strategy (especially for such a broad group like this UG, indeed we need priorities, hence this meeting ;) ). That said, I have a long experience of Wikisource, I was the representative for this UG in 2018 so I'm not the worst person either ;)

For the meeting, I'm also available this week. I guess to gather the most people sunday at 1 pm UTC (13:00) is probably the best for everyone (

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