2010/5/11 Michael Jörgens <joergens.mic@googlemail.com>
Only if the chapter is without a name, when there are Names they should be linked by names.
And if more than one chapter / item is on a page the schould be possible too. A lot of books eg "Die Gartenlaube" have several items (chapters) articles on one page an they must be adressed too. the actual solution with the next previous together with section fits exactly, even if it is a little bit more work for the author.

I'm facing with the same problem, but I think I'll use a different way: a bot job, to create chapters by the summary of chapters into main ns0 page  or - better - from the summary into Index page. If such a summary is built once with sufficient care, adding too the relevant elements for pages index tag as a parameter (from, to, fromsection, tosection), I suppose that a bot could get all what it needs to build  running chapters with prev and next parameters too.
